
Welfare Technology of Knowledge Transfer: Cross-Community Knowledge Sharing (TechKnow)

The aim of the project is to develop methods to improve and promote knowledge transfer in welfare technology based on social and professional aspects to ensure long-term sustainability, and act as input and prepare for extended applications of for strategic funding. The Project is funded by the FORTE research council and government agency under the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.

This one-year (2020-2021) project, will create a foundation for a multi-year project to examine how knowledge regarding welfare technologies in elderly care can be transferred both within and between municipalities in Sweden and Denmark. We begin by exploring the level of this knowledge and how it can be developed within care centers, and then the project will expand into an exploration of successful and possible methods for sharing that knowledge. This enables the creation of a Swedish-Danish shared knowledge platform regarding welfare technology (WT). In short, there are three main goals om that to be achieved through the one-year planning grant:

  • To review the knowledge base of and discover knowledge gaps at the municipalities.
  • To create and evaluate a framework for knowledge sharing. This is done by establishing an empirical base by performing explorative and theory-driven analyses within the areas.
  • To plan and test the feasibility of a larger study by creating a larger research consortium.