
Selected Publications by CareSam partner representatives authors/co-authors in chronological order by year of publication:

Liveng, A., Eriksson, J., & Christensen, J. (2025). Pedagogical reflections from a PhD course in ageing: How to facilitate preconditions for resonance?. Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift20(37).

Jøranson, N., Zechner, M. M., Silva, R., Korkmaz Yaylagul, N., & Thygesen, H. (2025). A case study on experiences with integrated technologies in a care home for older people. Geriatric Nursing61, 121-128.

Blaakilde, A. L., Christensen, K. & Liveng, A., 2024, Sustainable Health and the Covid-19 Crisis: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Thualagant, N., Korsbæk Sørensen, P. & Mønsted, T. S. (red.). New York: Routledge, s. 80-96 17 s.

Christensen, K. & Wærness, K., 2024, The Political Economy of Care: Welfare state capitalism, universalism, and social reproduction. Fagertun, A., Vike, H. & Haukelien, H. (red.). Universitetsforlaget, s. 137-159

Christensen, K., Andersen, J., Askheim, O. P. & Bikova, M., 2024, Towards active citizenship and caring democracy? User participation in Norwegian long-term care, International Journal of Care and Caring. Early view, 16 s.

Lukic, S.; Lethin, C.; Christensen, J.; Malmgren Fange, A. Reflexive Views of Virtual Communities of Practice among Informal and Formal Caregivers of People with a Dementia Disease. Healthcare 2024, 12, 1285.

Joachim Thönnessen and Jonas Christensen. Exploring the relevance of sustainability values and principles – impact of International Social Education (ISE) in a local context. ScienceOpen Research.

Kenkmann, A., & Ghanem, C. (2024). ‘Successful Ageing’ Needs a Future: Older Incarcerated Adults’ Views on Ageing in Prison. Journal of Ageing and Longevity, 4(2), 72-82.

Axmon, A., Mattisson, K., Lethin, C., Fänge, A. M., Carlsson, G., & Stroh, E. (2024). Access to urban green spaces and use of social services and institutional long-term care among older people in Malmö, Sweden: a longitudinal register study. BMC Geriatrics, 24(1), Artikel 489.
Hoppania, H.-K., Karsio, O., Näre, L., Vaittinen, T., & Zechner, M. M. (2024). Financialization of Eldercare in a Nordic Welfare State. Journal of Social Policy53(1), 26-44. Article PII S0047279422000137.,

Vintersborg, T., Berring, L. L., Hølge-Hazelton, B., & Sørensen, P. K. (2024). Co-created interventions and improvements of work environment of nurses to enhance patient safety. 1-14. Paper presented at Nordic Working Life Conference, Roskilde, Denmark.

Östlind, E., Ekstrand, E., Axén, I., Brogårdh, C., Fänge, A. M., Stigmar, K., & Ekvall Hansson, E. (2024). Dizziness-related disability in persons with post-COVID condition: A cross sectional study. Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation, 34(4), 185-193.
Jøranson, N., Zechner, M., Korkmaz Yaylagul, N. et al. Experienced barriers in the use of ICT for social interaction in older adults ageing in place: a qualitative systematic review protocol (SYSR-D-22–00848). Syst Rev 12, 192 (2023).
Lundstedt, R., Persson, J., Håkansson, C., Frennert, S., & Wallergård, M. (2023). Designing Virtual Natural Environments for Older Adults: Think-Aloud Study. JMIR Human Factors10, Artikel e40932.
Dedzoe, J.D.-S.; Malmgren Fänge, A.; Christensen, J.; Lethin, C. Collaborative Learning through a Virtual Community of Practice in Dementia Care Support: A Scoping Review. Healthcare 2023, 11, 692.
Blaakilde, A.L., Christensen, K., Liveng, A. 2023, Sustainable health and the Covid-19 Crisis: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives . Routledge

Malmgren Fänge, A.; Christensen, J.; Backhouse, T.; Kenkmann, A.; Killett, A.; Fisher, O.; Chiatti, C.; Lethin, C. (2022) Care Home and Home Care Staff’s Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beliefs about Subsequent Changes in the Future: A Survey Study in Sweden, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom. Healthcare 2022, 10, 306.

Andrea Kenkmann, Christian Ghanem, Silvia Erhard.  (2022) The Fragmented Picture of Social Care for Older People in German Prisons, Journal of Aging & Social Policy.
Christensen, J., Altenreiter, M., Mexner, K. (2022) Remote is not far away: A self-reflective Case of internationalisation using collaborative online international learning in Social Work Education. TILTAI, 2022, 2, 1–17 DOI: 10.15181/tbb.v88i1.2495
Staats, K., Christensen, K., Grov, E. K., Husebø, B. S., & Tranvåg, O. (2022). Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of dignity-preserving care for older home-dwelling women with incurable cancer in Norway. Journal of Women & Aging34(5), 567–581.
Steenfeldt VØ, Aagerup LC, Jacobsen AH, Skjødt U. Becoming a Family Caregiver to a Person With Dementia: A Literature Review on the Needs of Family Caregivers. SAGE Open Nursing. 2021;7. doi:10.1177/23779608211029073
Piasecka-Robak, A. (2021) The Health Situation of Elderly People in Poland: Three Models for Analysing the needs and Expectations of Polish Senior Citizens: Nia, Design Thinking and Grow in the Context of The Potential use of medical Technologies, TILTAI, 2021, 1, 1–27 ISSN 1392-3137 (Print), ISSN 2351-6569 (Online).
Zechner, M. M. & Anttonen, A., 2022, Care as Work (Accepted/In press) Handbook of Social Care Research. Ranci, C. & Rostgaard, T. (eds.). Edward Elgar
Kilpeläinen, F. & Zechner, M. M., 30 Aug 2022, Displaced Selves: Older African Adults in Forced Migration (E-pub ahead of print) In: Journal of Refugee Studies. 17 p.
Zechner, M. M., 29 Apr 2022, Economisation of Care for Older Adults. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. Baikady, R., Sajid, S. M., Przeperski, J., Nadesan, V., Rezaul, I. & Gao, J. (eds.). Palgrave Macmillan, 14 p.
Christensen, J., Ekelund, N., Melin, M., Widén, P. (2021). The Beautiful risk of Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Research A Challenging collaborative and critical approach towards sustainable learning processes in academic profession.  Sustainability13, 4723. 
Ricci, A.; Luppi, E, Facing Adversity at the University. A Case Study to Reflect on Pedagogical Challenges in Times of Pandemic Risk, in: Pandemic, Disruption and Adjustment in Higher Education, Leiden, BRILL, 2022, pp. 112 – 128

Steenfeldt , Aagerup LC, Jacobsen AH, Skjødt U. Becoming a Family Caregiver to a Person With Dementia: A Literature Review on the Needs of Family Caregivers. SAGE Open Nursing. 2021;7. 

Clancy, A., Simonsen-Rehn, N., Lind, J., Liveng, A. & Johannessen, A., Sep 2021, The meaning of dignity for older adults: A meta-synthesis In: Nursing Ethics. 28, 6, p. 878-894 17 p.

Acienė, E., Mačiulskytė, S. (2021) The Concept of the Cross-Border Method in the Context of Ageing, TILTAI, 2021, 1, 28–56 ISSN 1392-3137 (Print), ISSN 2351-6569 (Online).

Russo, N., Eriksson, J., Christensen, J. (2021) Target Framework for Sustainable Welfare Technology Deployment in Eldercare. UKAIS 2021 Conference Proceedings, Oxford, UK, 2021, s. 507-516. ISBN: 978-0-9560272-1-4 (digital)

Lethin, C.; Kenkmann, A.; Chiatti, C.; Christensen, J.; Backhouse, T.; Killett, A.; Fisher, O.; Fänge, A.M. Organizational Support Experiences of Care Home and Home Care Staff in Sweden, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare 2021, 9, 767.

Christensen J., Ekelund N., Melin M., Widén P. (2021) The Beautiful Risk of Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Research. A Challenging Collaborative and Critical Approach toward Sustainable Learning Processes in Academic Profession. Sustainability. 13(9):4723.

Christensen, J. (2020) Professional Meaningfulness in Elderly care – Transnational shared knowledge in a Scandinavian context, Societal Studies, Vol. 11, No 1, pp. 37-54.

Christensen J. (2020) Social Work in a Local and Global Context: A Swedish Approach. In: S.M. S., Baikady R., Sheng-Li C., Sakaguchi H. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Work Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 

Piasecka-Robak, A. (2020) Telemedical technologies: The Needs of Elderly People in Poland. In: Khalid S. Soliman (ed.). Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges. Proceedings of the 35th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) 1-2 April 2020 Seville, Spain. Seville: IBIMA. 

Liveng, A., Ramvi, E., Froggett, L., Manley, J., Hollway, W., Lading, Å. H. & Gripsrud, B. H.: Imagining transitions in old age through the Visual Matrix method: Thinking about what is hard to bear. 2017, IN: Journal of Social Work Practice. 31, 2, s. 155-170. 2017. 

Dræbel, T., Teglgaard Lund, K. & Liveng, A.: Så griner vi heldigvis lidt af det”: Ægtepars erfaringer med demens i et hverdagslivs sociologisk perspektiv. IN: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning. 13, 1, 19 s. 2017. 

Christensen, J., Thönnessen, J., Weber, B. (2020) Knowledge creation in reflective teaching and shared values in social education: A design for an international classroom, Educatia 21 Journal, nr 19.

Christensen (2020) Social Work in a Local and Global Context: A Swedish Approach. In: S.M. S., Baikady R., Sheng-Li C., Sakaguchi H. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Work Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Clancy, Anne; Simonsen, Nina; Lind, Johanne.; Liveng, Anne; Johannessen, Aud (2020) The meaning of dignity for older adults in a Nordic context: A meta-synthesis. Nursing Ethics, 

Steenfeldt, V. O. & Nørskov, M. S., (2020). Self-guided physical training as a life unfolding activity: A phenomenological approach to lived experiences of cancer patients taking part in physical training programs I : Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning. 10, 1, p. 34-44.

Viftrup, D. T., Prinds, C. L., Steenfeldt, V. O., & Hvidt, N. C. (2020). ”…It will soon all be over…”: A qualitative study on how terminal patients’ talk about dead and afterlife. Klinisk sygepleje34(3)

Steenfeldt, V. O., Aagerup, L. C., Jacobsen, A. H. & Skjødt, U. (2020). Becoming a family caregiver to a person with dementia: A literature review on the needs of family caregivers

Ella Airola, Päivi Rasi & Marjo Outila (2020) Older people as users and non-users of a video conferencing service for promoting social connectedness and well-being – a case study from Finnish Lapland, Educational Gerontology, 46:5, 258-269. 

Frennert, S. (2020). Expectations and Sensemaking: Older People and Care Robots. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 191-206). Springer, Cham.

Frennert, S., Aminoff, H., Östlund, B. (2020) Technological Frames & Care Robots in Eldercare, International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-15.

Frennert (2020), Approaches for Implementing Welfare Technology in Municipal Eldercare, Journal of Technology in Human Services, 1-21 

Baudin, K., Gustafsson, C., & Frennert, S. (2020). Views of Swedish Elder Care Personnel on Ongoing Digital Transformation: Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of medical Internet research, 22(6), e15450. 

Outila M., Seppänen M., Lantela P., Vasari P. (2019) Bringing Dying Back Home? – Northern Finns’ End-of-Life Preparations, Concerns and Care Preferences and Finnish Care Policy’s Emphasis on Care at Home. In: Naskali P., Harbison J., Begum S. (eds) New Challenges to Ageing in the Rural North. International Perspectives on Aging, vol 22. Springer, Cham. 

Christensen, J. (2019) Professional Meaningfulness in Elderly care – Transnational shared knowledge in a Scandinavian context, Societal Studies, vol. 11, no 1, pp. 37-54.

Zechner, M. (2019) Is Finland Connected for e-Health and e-Welfare? In Jing, Tian-kui, Kuhnle, Stein, Pan, Yi., Chen, Sheying (eds.) Aging Welfare and Social Policy. China and the Nordic Countries in Comparative Perspective. International Perspectives on Ageing 20. Cham: Springer, 125–138.

MotiecieneR., Laitinen M., & Skaffari P. (2019). The constructions of everyday ethics in Lithuanian family social work practices. Socialinė Teorija, Empirija, Politika Ir Praktika18, 46-58.

Zechner, M. (2019)Aging Welfare and Social Policy: China and the Nordic Countries in Comparative Perspective. Tian-kui, J., Kuhnle, S., Yi, P. & Sheying, C. (eds.). Cham: Springer, p. 125–138 (International Perspectives on Ageing, Vol. 20)

Christensen, K., & Pilling, D. (2019). User Participation Policies in Norway and England: The Case of Older People and Social Care. Journal of Social Policy48(1), 43-61. 

Alftberg, Å., Johansson, M., Ahlström, G., (2019) Ambivalence among staff regarding ageing with intellectual disabilities: Experiences and reflections, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, SAGE.

Frennert, S (2019) Hitting a Moving Target: Digital Transformation and Welfare Technology in Swedish Municipal Eldercare, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-9

Frennert, S., Baudin, K., (2019) The Concept of Welfare Technology in Swedish Municipal Eldercare, Disability and rehabilitation, pp.1-8

Jönsson, K-E, Ornstein, K., Christensen, J., Eriksson, J. (2019) A Reminder System for Independence in Dementia Care – A Case Study in an Assisted Living Facility, Conference Proceeding, ACM Digital Library.

Frennert, S (2018) Lost in digital transformation: Municipality employment of welfare technologies. International journal of Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology

Frennert, S, Britt Östlund  (2018) Narrative Review: Technologies in Eldercare. The Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies, Vol 6 no 1

Christensen, K., & Pilling, D. (2018). Introduction. In K. Christensen, & D. Pilling (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Social Care Work Around the World (pp. 1-12). Routledge. 

Christensen, K., & Wærness, K. (2018). Long-term care services in Norway: A historical sociological perspective. In K. Christensen, & D. Pilling (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Social Care Work Around the World (pp. 15-28). Routledge. 

Bjeregaard, L., Mačiulskytė, S., Aciene, E., Christensen, J. (2018) Towards a Model of Social Innovation: Cross-Border Learning processes in Dementia Care in the Context of Ageing Society, Social Welfare:  Interdisciplinary Approach, vol 1, no 8, pp. 8-23.

Flanagan, K. (2018) Remembering Faith: Rural Faith Communities´Outreach to Members with Dementia, Social Work & Christianity Journal of the North American Association of Christians in Social Work, vol. 45, No. 1, p. 24-41

Russo, N. L., Eriksson, J., Harden Mugelli, S., & Marin, J. (2018). Small Steps: Improving Healthcare with Local Innovation. In UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) 23rd Annual Conference, Oxford, UK (March 2018). Association for Information Systems

Magnusson, F. (Ed.) Christensen, J.. (2018) Arbetet med äldre i en svensk och dansk context – ett meningsfullt arbete/Work with elderly in a swedish and danish context – a meaningful work, kapitel i ”Äldreomsorg och åldrande – från anhörigskap till krisberedskap”. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Margareta Rämgård, Annika Forsgren & Helen Avery (2017) PHR in health and social care for older people – regional development through learning within and across organisations, Educational Action Research, 25:4, 506-524, 

Burau, Viola; Zechner, Minna; Dahl, Hanne Marlene; Ranci, Constanzo (2017). The political construction of elderly care markets: comparing Denmark, Finland and Italy. In Social Policy and Administration. Vol. 51, No 7, p. 1023–1041.

Iversen, S. M., Blaakilde, A. L., Wilinska, M., & Sandvik, K. (2017). Introduction to growing old with and via media: Editorial article. MedieKultur33(66).

Eriksson, J. (2017)  Playful Method for Seniors to Embrace Information Technology , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Conference: International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, May 2017 

Rämgård, M., Forsgren, A., Avery, H. (2017) PHR in health and social care for older people – regional development through learning within and across organisations. Journal of Educational Action Research. vol 25 (4).

Andersson, M. Christensen, J. , Hillgren, P-A. (2017) Varför gör vi på detta viset? Att tänka nytt i förändringsarbete inom äldreomsorgen med fokus på innovationskultur och kunskapsbildning/Why do we do it in this way? New thinking  in change based elderly care work – innovation and knowledge acqusition. Malmö stad, 2017:1, ISBN 978-91-86631-25-3.

Eeva Rossi, Marjaana Seppänen & Marjo Outila (2018) Assessment, support and care-taking: gerontological social work practices and knowledge, Nordic Social Work Research, 8:2, 133-145, 

Hussein, Shereen; Christensen, Karen (2016). Migration, gender and low-paid work: on migrant men’s entry dynamics into the feminised social care work in the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Vol. 43, No. 5, 749–765 ISSN: 1369-183X (Print) 1469-9451 (Online)

Blaakilde, A. L. (2016). Family ideals and the issue of frail elderly immigrants in Danish public care: An example from an ethnographic study of a nursing home with a profile of cultural diversity.

Dychawy Rosner, I., Christensen, J. (2016) Globalization brought into the Classroom – reflections from a local context in social work and nursing education. Scientific Journal Bridges Tiltai, vol. 2, no. 74.

Christensen, J. (2016) A Critical Reflection of  Bronfenbrenner´s Development Ecology Model, Problems of Education in the 21st Century, vol. 69.

Christensen, J., Lellinge, B. (2016) The importance of the meeting for entrepreneurial learning – experiences from two contexts.ESR Journal, vol. 1, no. 2

Christensen, J. (2016) Acting locally, thinking Globally in Social Work Education. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, vol. 2, nr. 3.

Christensen, J., Liveng, A. (2016) CareSam – A Cross-border Collaboration Contesting notions of elderly Care, Scientific. Journal Tiltai Bridges, vol. 1, no. 73. 

Christensen, J. (2016) Professional development in social work: elderly care in Sweden and Denmark. Journal of Social Welfare: Interdisciplinary Approach, vol. 1, no. 6.

Acienė, E., Mačiulskytė, S. (2015) On the Discource of Social Work Professionalization, Tiltai 68 (4).

Hulewska, A., Piasecka, A. (2015) Health Communication in Poland, serie Medicina historica, University of Wroclaw.

Christensen, J. (2015) The Creation of a University discipline in a Societal and Social Context – A Profession in Change – Higher Education in Lithuania. Societal Studies, no. 7 (1)

Blaakilde, A. L. (2015). Bodily interactions with radio listening in later life – and in a life course perspective.

Flanagan, K. (2014) Subsidarity: A Path for Moving Beyond the Left/Right Divide Regarding Social Programs in the United States, Journal of Sociology and Social Work, vol. 2, No 1., pp. 181-193.

Flanagan, K. (2014) Moving from Managing Organizations to creating Social Enterprises: Entrepreneurial Social Work and Advanced generalist education The Advanced Generalist: Social Work Research Journal, 1 (2), pp 1-14.

Magnússon, Finnur, et al. (2013) “Caresam: åldrande och utmaningar i Öresundsregionen-att arbeta med ældre i Sverige och Danmark.” Final report. Malmö University Press.

Alftberg, Åsa; Lundin, Susanne (2012) ‘“Successful Ageing in Practice”’, Culture Unbound, Volume 4, p. 481-497. Hosted by Linköping University Electronic Press.

Liveng, Anne, 2010: Learning and recognition in health and care work: an intersubjective perspective. Journal of Workplace Learning

Liveng, Anne, 2009: Borgere med komplekse problemstillinger: Hvad ønsker de af hjemmeplejen? Videnskabelig rapport. Roskilde Universitet, Roskilde

Liveng, Anne, 2008: A Crisis of Recognition in Care Work for Elderly People? I Wrede, Sirpa : Care Work in Crisis: Reclaming the Nordic Ethos in Care. Antologi. Studenterlitteratur, Lund