PhD-course: Challenges in Ageing Societies – Health, Care work, Technologies and ethics. A transnational, multidisciplinary PhD-course – 2026
In 2021, and 2023, 32 doctoral students from 16 universities and 10 countries were graduated by the Malmö University (2021) and Roskilde University (2023), implemented in close transnational collaboration within the multi-disciplinary teacher-team. The course has in several ways showed the importance of multidisciplinary, cross-border collaboration in meeting societal challenges out of the Aging Society. The doctoral students participating had a background in several different areas such as natural sciences, social sciences and humanities; sociology, nursing science, social work, political science, health science, media education, psychology. The course contributed to develop and increase knowledge, perspectives and (network) contacts among the PhD Students, based upon recent research and multi-disciplinary perspectives. In 2023, the PhD Alumni was represented during the CareAge Conference, held in Brussels June 5th-6th. The next upcoming course will be held in 2026.
Expressions of interest?
We are currently accepting expressions of interest via the provided link. Please note that this does not guarantee admission to the doctoral course.
Most welcome to Register your interest to participate
A formal application will be required, which will open in January 2026.
- The course focuses on care work, dementia, and welfare technologies related to welfare state politics, ageing theories and ethical issues. Mixed methods and qualitative approaches will be represented.
- The course presents critical perspectives from social sciences and the humanities. Cases from a number of countries will be introduced by professionals with practical experience in the field.
- The course will offer possibilities to work with theories on and research in the field of ageing, involving students own projects.
- On a networking level, the course gives a unique opportunity to meet PhD students from the participating countries and establish contacts for future collaboration. You also meet a transnational and interdisciplinary team of researchers/teachers.
- Social Gerontology: Introduction to the State of the art
- European Policies on Ageing; healthy, active ageing and vulnerability
- Care, dignity, and ageing abjection
- Dementia, society and lived lives
- Cultural understanding of dementia
- Ageing and care work within a changing welfare state
- Perspectives on care work, gender, and technology
- Argumentation challenge on technology in elder care
- Methods and ethical aspects in research concerning vulnerable or marginalised groups
Course Code
PhD Alumni members:
Michelle Vestbo-Nielsen, Roskilde University
Lea Graaf, Oslo Met/Roskilde University, N/DK
Eva Hoffmann, University College Syd, DK
Jonas Olofsson, Malmö University
Justina Kievisiene, University of Lapland, FIN
Mariusz Dorot, University of Lower Silesia, PL
Aurelie Mailliez, University Lille, F
Niko Väänänen, Université Catholique de Louvain, B
Samuel Briones, Utrecht University, NL
Nausheen Christoffersen, University College Absalon, DK
Sarah Åkerman, Åbo Akademi, FIN
Mille Nabsen Marwaa, SDU Denmark, DK
Linn Zulka, Gothenburg University, SE
Anna Holm Jacobsen, University College Absalon, DK
Maria Claesson, University of Boraas, SE
Maryam Hadji, Tampere University, FIN
Frank Ojwang, University of Lapland, FIN
Maria Nilsson, Linnaeus University, SE
Fabien Visade, University Lille, F
Faith Kilpeläinen, University of Lapland, FIN
Justyna Holyst, University of Lower Silesia, PL
Kirstina Aakerlund, Roskilde University, DK